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Name: Ernt Edgar White
Birth: 1897 in Malvern, Victoria
Name: Ernt Edgar White
Birth: 1897 in Malvern, Victoria
Gazette 24/03/1910 (aged 15): Appointments Confirmed … Ernest Edgar White, telegraph messenger, Adelaide, from June 24.
Advertiser 16/09/1912 (aged 17): Saturday, September 14. The succesful candidates, in the examination for clerk, fifth class, held on August 1 and 2, are: Sidney Powell, Joseph William Smith, Ernest Edgar White.
Advertiser 14/11/1912 (aged 17): Gazette: Treasury. Ernest Edgar White, postal asistant, general division, grade II, telegraph branch, Postmaster-General's Department, South Australia, transferred to the posi- tion of clerk, 5th class, department of the Treasury, pensions' branch.
Advertiser 16/06/1915 (aged 20): Law Courts - Alleged Baby Bonus Frauds: Ernest Edgar White deposed to, having posted the money order to Eva Maddern on December 21, 1912. The slip attached to the order was not there when he posted. He thought the handwriting on the slip was the accused's. Some of the orders were posted in blue envelopes supplied by the accused, with an advertisement on the front.
Advertiser 13/07/1915 (aged 20): Ernest Edgar White, clerk, Maternity Allowance Department of the Commonwealth Treasury, said be did not know from whom he received the documents pro- duced.
[There are numerous entries from 1921 - 1950 of Ernest White the organist, pianist, at Flinders St. Baptist Church, then later at Scots Church. Also as orchestra, dance band leader. ]
Also the following (1938) "Price - Boucaut Wedding At St. Peters College: St. Peter's College chapel was de corated beautifully in a floral scheme of blue and pink to correspond with the frocking of the bride's attendant';, when Nancy, second daughter of Mr j and Mrs. G. H. Boucaut, of Robe ter- | race. Medindie, was married to Mr. Archie Price, of Cleve, by her uncle, the Rev. James Welsh, on Saturday afternoon. Mr. and Mrs. H. Price. J of Gum Park. Narridy. are the parents of the bridegroom. A cousin of the bride, Mr. Ernest White, was organist." Charlotte White's mother was a Boucaut.
Name: Charlotte Audrey Daniel
Birth: 1906 in Kent Town, South Australia
Name: Charlotte Audrey Daniel
Birth: 1906 in Kent Town, South Australia
Advertiser 30/10/1930 (with photo): Miss Audrey Daniel, younger daughter of Air. and Mrs. J. H. Daniel, Sussex terrace, Lower Mitcham, whose engagement to Mr. Ernest White, of Wayville, has been announced.
Comments on the contents of this page should be addressed to Andrew Gabb. Revised 24 July 2017.