*** Advertiser Friday 29 January 1875
WHITTAKER—On the 20th January, at the residence of Mr. John Cox, Broughton Extension, of convulsions, whilst teething, Henry, the beloved son of David and Mary Whittaker, aged one year and two days.
*** Chronicle Saturday 19 June 1920
WHITTAKER.-On the 6th June, Mary, beloved wife of David Whittaker, Reynella, late of Crystal Brook and Redhill, aged 69 years and 4 months, leaving a sorrowing husband, 2 daughters, and 6 sons and 24 granddhildren to mourn their sad loss.
*** Advertiser Thursday 28 January 1937
WHITTAKER.—On the 27th January, at Wattle avenue, Brighton, David Whittaker. aged 85 years.
WHITTAKER — THE FRIENDS of the late Mr. DAVID WHITTAKER are respectfully informed that his Funeral will leave his late residence, 2 Wattle ave., Brighton on THURSDAY at 2.30 p.m., for the Happy Valley Cemetery.
*** Advertiser Monday 29 March 1937
Probate: David Whittaker, Brighton, £1,017.