Errey-Prior Sub-Tree
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George Pound PRIOR:
For descriptions of George's early life in SA and Vic (and as a state ward), see Notes for his father James Prior.
George married Mary Bannigan in Broken Hill in 1891. We don't know what he did before this but presumably after his father's release from prison, and Caroline and George's from state care, the family probably moved north to Albury/Wodonga, where James and Caroline both married in 1882.
The boom in Broken Hill - offering work in and around the mines - started around 1888 when the railway from Adelaide was completed. It occurred at a time when due to the drought in the late 1880s and a serious recession across Australia in the early 1890s, many men were seeking work across Australia. Given the large distances and the fact that the line from Sydney was only completed in 1927, the only real route in was by rail via Adelaide.
How he got to Broken Hill is also unknown. One possibility was down the River Murray to Murray Bridge, and by rail to Adelaide and Broken Hill. The fastest probably would have been by rail via Melbourne and Adelaide (the Melbourne-Adelaide line was opened in 1887).
George and Mary moved to WA buying a farm near Pingelly (SE of Perth). Mary died in 1897 and when George died in 1922, his estate was worth £3,700. He left everything to niece Alice (Retallick) Pillion, Pingelly, and her 3 children. After Mary's death Alice had come to Pingelly - probably around 1904 - presumably to act as George's housekeeper. She was something of a black sheep in the family having had 4 illegitimate children (1 surviving) in Victoria, and the move to WA was probably seen as an opportunity for a 'new start'. She married a Pingelly man Maurice Pillion in 1909 and had 2 additional children with him.
*** Great Southern Leader (Pingelly) Friday 10 September 1909
Mr. and Mrs. M. Pillion, who were the latest of our residents to enter the holy bonds, returned to Pingelly on Monday. "Maurice," being one of the boys of the old brigade, was called on by his old associates on Wednesday night, tins in hand, who serenaded him in the usual manner. The host and hostess were prepared for this contingency, and the visitors were treated to a light spread, after which the newly wedded pair were congratulated and wishes expressed by Mr. Naylor for their future welfare. The gathering then dispersed. [The bride is Alice Retallick, niece of George Prior, who married Maurice Pillion on 1 Sep 1909, and who inherited from George Prior.]
*** Great Southern Leader (Pingelly) Friday 24 March 1922
In the Matter of the Estate of George Pound Prior, deceased.
GENUINE CLEARING SALE ON THE FARM. Adjoining Messrs. Pennington and Edgar Sewell's Properties. Also adjoining the Noobling Estate. WEST PINGELLY Seven miles from Dwarda, about 25 miles from Pingelly. FRIDAY, MARCH 31, 1922. FRIDAY, MARCH 31, 1922. At 1 p.m.
MESSRS. DUNCAN BLACK A CO. have been favored with Instruc- tions from the Executors of teh above Estate to offer FOR SALE by PUBLIC AUCTION the following land, comprising: 721 acres, being Williams Location. 5385, 3305, 3304, 6782, 5386, 5998: about 300 acres cleared and 300 acres rung. This property is pro bably one of the best ever offered, for sale in the Pingelly district. The fences and water supply are all that could be desired. The land is excep- tionally heavy york gum and jam country, and grows the best class of feed, and its carrying capacity is equal to the best in the district, hav- ing been selected before survy. TERMS CAN BE ARRANGED. Whther the land is sold or not, the following—
HORSES, MACHINERY & PLANT Will be offered for sale without Reserve:-
HORSES 4 horses, medium draught, good workers.
HARNESS Spring Cart Saddle and Britchen Riding Saddle and Bridle, Traces, Col- lar, Winkers and Harness, Quantity Whipples, Reins, two new Waggon Saddles and Britchings, three sets of Chains, four Collars, four Winkers three sets of Leading Chains arm Spiders. Tools and Sundries including 20 cornsacks. All the harness is practically new, and has been used very little.
FARM IMPLEMENTS & MACHINERY. McKay two-furrow stump jump Plow, in good order; 11 disc Drill, in good order; Purser, 17-tyne Cultivat- or, with carriage, in good order: one three leaf harrows, in good order: Oliver Plow; McCormick Binder, cut about 50 acres of hay, new; Interna- tional Harvester, done one season's work; Box Waggon, 5 ton, Tregurtha and Hughes, new; Spring Cart, strong in good order; Spring Cart and Har- ness, medium weierht, new; 100 gal- lon Tank, 200 gallon Tank, both in good order; Wheelbarrow; two Grind- stones. two Buckets; I.H.C. Engine, and Chaffcutter, in good working ord- er; Belting, 30 feet; Anvil and Bel- lows, Vyce, Scythe, five new Plough- Shares, Wire, seven coils Wire Net- ting, never been used; on coil of Fencing Wire. Light Refreshmenst provided. DUNCAN BLACK & CO Auctioneer
Suggestions, questions, comments, errors to Andrew Gabb. Revised 24 July 2017.