*** Advertiser Thursday 28 April 1921
MARRIAGES STAFFORD-PRIOR.- On the 31st January, at Mount Lofty, by the Rev. A. W. Gordon, William Howard Stafford, of Glenelg, to Amy Ellen Prior, of Mile-End.
*** Advertiser Saturday 28 November 1931
STAFFORD.— THE FRIENDS of the late coun- cillor WILLIAM HOWARD STAFFORD are respectfully informed that his Funeral will leave his late residence, 68. Brighton road, Somerton, Brighton, on SATURDAY, at 4 p.m. for the North Brighton Cemetery.
STAFFORD. — On the 27th November, at his residence, 68, Brighton road, Somerlea, Brighton, William Howard, dearly beloved husband of Amy Ellen Stafford, aged 55 years (suddenly). Councillor Brighton Council.
*** Advertiser Saturday 28 November 1931
DEATH OF MR. W. H. S. STAFFORD. Becomes ill After Addressing Council Election Meeting. Councillor William Howard Stafford, who represented North ward in the Brighton Town Council, died sud- denly at his home, Brighton road, Somerlea, yesterday morning.
Mr. Stafford, who was a candidate for the aldermanic seat vacated by Mr. C. J. Coventry (Mayor-elect) addressed a meeting of ratepayers in the drill hall at Somerton on Thursday night. He was then apparently in the best of health. On his return home he went to bed, and at 1.30 in the morn- ing Mrs. Stafford was awakened by him, and he complained of being ill. She summoned Dr. M. E. Goode, of Brighton, but on his arrival Mr. Staf- ford was dead. He was 55 years of age.