*** News Saturday 23 August 1930
HAMILTON. –On August 22, at Adelaide, Jane, dearly loved wife of Archibald Hamilton, of Jetty road, Glenelg. Aged 49 years.
HAMILTON.-The Friends of Mr. ARCHIBALD HAMILTON, of Jetty road, Glenelg, late of Diagonal road, Warradale, are respect- fully informed that the Funeral of his late WIFE (Jane) will Leave her son's Residence, Diagonal road, Warradale, on SUNDAY, at 3 p.m., for St. Jude's Cemetery, Brighton. (Motor funeral.).
*** Advertiser Wednesday 8 December 1937
No registration disc on horse-drawn buggy— Archibald Hamilton, of Diagonal road. Warra- dale. 5/. with 10/ costs.
*** Advertiser Friday 17 December 1954
Road Death Claim A widow yesterday sought damages for the death of her 25-year-old husband From injuries received in a road accident early last year. Beverley Rita Evans, of Mary street, St. Leonards, was plaintiff, and Archibald Hamilton, 73, of Kent avenue, Warradale, and Charles Henry Gill, of Winston avenue, Edwardstown, were defendants. Suing for herself and her two infant children, Mrs. Evans alleged that Brian Francis Patrick Evans, pos- tal clerk, of Albany crescent, Oaklands, died on February 21, 1953, from in juries received on February 19 when, while riding a bicycle on Diagonal road, Hamilton Park, he was struck by a motor car driven by Hamilton which had previously collided with a motor cycle ridden by Gill. Each defendant denied liability and negligence. Each claimed contribution from the other, on the ground of that other's negligence, if himself held liable.