*** Mail Saturday 24 August 1912
ADJUTANTS DETAILED. On the recommendation of commanding officers the district Commandant has de- tailed the following officers' adjutants, to date from August 1: — 22nd Light Horse, Iient. J. G. Prior; 23rd light Horse, […]
*** Advertiser Wednesday 29 January 1913
A DAY IN THE HILLS. On January 26 the employes of Jackmans, Ltd., had an enjoyable outing, being the guests of Mr. A. Jackman, at his residence, Mount Lofty. A drag departed from the Grand Cafe at 9.30, arriving at the destination at 11 o'clock after a delight- ful drive through the hills. During the after- noon the employes presented a gold-mounted cigar holder to Mr. J. Jackman, sen., and a silver-mounted pipe and case to Mr. A. Jackman, as a token of esteem. Mr. J. G. Prior (manager), in a neat speech, made the presentations. The party left the Mount at 7 p.m., arriving home at' 8 o'clock, having thoroughly enjoyed themselves.
*** Mail Saturday 5 December 1914
Lieut. J. G. Prior, 23rd light Horse, has been appointed with rank of lieutenant and quartermaster to the command of the field bakery with the Australian Imperial Force. Lieut. Prior left for Melbourne on Thursday afternoon with tbe South Aus- tralian quota of that unit.
*** Daily Herald Friday 19 November 1915
BAKING FOR THE TROOPS. Captain J. G. Prior, of "St. Austel," College road, Brighton, who went to the front as a member of the Army Service Corps, Australian Expeditionary Forces, has been placed in a position of considerable responsibility as officer commanding the Imperial and Australian field bakeries. Captain Prior, who had considerable local military service, and was, when he enlisted, a lieutenant in the (South Australian) 22nd Light Horse, was, when he voiunteered for service, managing Jackman's Cafe, King William street, and earlier was for 14 years foreman caterer at Bricknell's Cafe. Upon reaching Egypt he was promoted to a captaincy, and placed in charge of the field bakeries.
Upon proceeding to the front he was located at Embros Island, about seven miles from the peninsula mainland, and placed in charge of the Imperial and Australian field bakeries, which are the sole source of the bread supply of the Australian and British troops in the Dardanelles. He writes to his brother-in-law (Councillor J. H. Hallam, of Brighton) that he has seven bakeries and three butcheries under his charge, while his command comprises seven officers (one in charge of each bakery) and 550 non-commissioned officers and men. He is also chief censor of Embros Island. Captain Prior's relatives were last week advised that he has been invalided to England (after having spent some time in hospital in Gibraltar), and is now recuperating among his friends in Cornwall. [Embros, or Imbros/Imroz, is the closest Mediterranean island to the Dardenelles. It is now called Gökçeada (from 1970).]
*** Register Thursday 28 October 1915
CAPT. J. G. PRIOR. Capt. John G. Prior (officer command ing the Australian Divisional Field Bake ries, at Gallipoli) is ill in the general hos- pital at Gibraltar. The nature of the ill ness has not been made known to the re- latives in Adelaide.
*** Advertiser Thursday 23 March 1916
A cable message received by Mrs. J. G. Prior, of New Glenelg, from her husband, states that he has been promoted to the rank of major. Major Prior, who has been on sick leave in London for some time, has completely recovered, and has returned to duty.
*** Mail Saturday 10 January 1920
PRIOR-BONNEY The engagement is announced of Ivy M., second daughter of Mr. and Mrs. A. E. Bonney, 'Dudley House,' Glenelg, to Frank G. (late A.I.F.), eldest son of Mr. and Mrs. J. G. Prior, 'St. Austell,' Somerton.
*** Mail Saturday 21 May 1921
BONNEY— PRIOR. The marriage of Ivy M.. second daughter of Mr. and Mrs. A. E. Bonnev, 'Dudley House,' Glenelg, to Frank G., eldest son of Mr. and Mrs. J. G. Prior, of Upper Hawthorn, Victoria (late Glenelg), will be celebrated at St. John's Church, Camberwell, Vic, on Saturday, June 4.
*** Daily Herald Wednesday 6 July 1921
[J. G. Prior is manager of Joseph Baker, Sons, and Perkins, Limited, Melbourne, who supply bread-making plants.]
*** News Tuesday 20 August 1929
[J. G. Prior is chairman of directors of Baker, Perkins, Pty Ltd., engineering specialists
*** Chronicle Thursday 23 January 1936
PRIOR. — On the 16th January, at Kew, Vic toria, Major John Gregory Prior, beloved husband of E. M. Prior, dearly loved younger son of T. and M. A. Prior, 96 Anzac Highway, Glenelg, aged 59 years. Peace, perfect peace.