*** Bendigo Advertiser Tuesday 30 November 1880
INDUSTRIAL SCHOOL CONTRIBUTIONS. - John Retallick was summoned for neglecting to contribute towards the support of his child in the Industrial School. The defendant's arrears amounted to £12 15s. He stated that he had been out of work for some time, and had also been in the hospital. The case was adjourned to the 3rd January to enable him to pay the money due.
*** Bendigo Advertiser Tuesday 15 February 1881
SHOW CAUSE CASES.-John Retallick was called upon to show cause why he should not be committed to gaol for non-payment of the arrears due towards the support of his children in the Industrial school, amounting to £12 15s. Mr. Webster ordered the man to be imprisoned for two months, or until the amount due was paid. The money was forthcoming before the court rose.
*** Argus (VIC) Monday 4 June 1883
A little child of Mr. John Retallick, a farmer at Lexton, was brought into Dr. Cunningham yesterday, suffering from severe scalds, received through its falling into a vessel containing boiling liquid.
*** Advertiser Wednesday 24 August 1904
"HOME SWEET HOME." CIVILISED BARBARIANS. Melbourne, August 23. A shocking case of misery and squalor has. been discovered by the police at Lexton, a township near Ballarat. In a small room of a hut occupied by John Retallick, no fewer than 11 persons, including himself, his wife, and nine children, herd together at night. There is no furniture of any kind, and the children, three of whom are deaf and dumb, are sleeping without any covering beyond the scanty clothes they wear. Retallick, it is stated, is possessed of means, and in consequence the police have taken the matter in hand. [This is almost certainly JR jr. and family.]
*** The Ballarat Star Wed 1 Sep 1920
Mr John Retallick, senr., of Mt.Mitchell, Lexton, died on Thursday evening, never having regained consciousness after a stroke which he sustained on the previous Saturday night. The deceased who was within a couple of months of his 81st birthday, was an old resident of the district, and had carried on farming at his late residence for about 50 years. He leaves a widow (who is slowly recovering from a stroke she had last week), and an adult family of five sons and five daughters. The remains were interred in the Lexton Cemetery on Saturday afternoon.
*** Argus (VIC) Monday 16 May 1921
In the estate of the Late J. Retallick, Mount Mitchell, 123 acres of land have been sold to Mr. Joseph Broidy, Lexton, at £3 15 per acre. Mr. T. Smith purchased 20 acres at £6 per acre.