*** Advertiser Monday 10 November 1879
George Berry, an elderly man, was charged on tbe information of Samuel Prior, with indecently assaulting Ellen Mary Prior, his daughter, at Brighton, on November 5. Jane Prior said she sent her daughter, Ellen Mary Prior, to the store in this locality, and she shortly afterwards returned with her clothes much torn. Saw the prisoner ran away from the cemetery. Ellen Mary Prior (who is about ten years old) said when passing the cemetery the prisoner took her up in his arms and threw her to the ground. He then gave her a whipping, and committed the offences complained of. Committed for trial. [Ellen was in fact 6 years old at the time.]
George Berry was further charged on the in- formation of Charles Gates with indecently assaulting Annie Beatrice Gates, his daughter, aged 10 years, at Glenelg, on November 6. This was a similar case to the preceding one. Committed for trial.
*** Advertiser Saturday 6 December 1879
INDECENT ASSAULT. George Edward Berry (35), when arraigned on the previous day, pleaded not guilty to a charge 0f indecently assaulting a child, seven years of age, named Ellen Mary Prior, at Glenelg, on November 5, but when brought up for trial with- drew that plea, and pleaded guilty. He also pleaded guilty to a charge of indecently assault- ing Anne Beatrice Gates, seven years of age at Brighton, on November 6. The prisoner was sentenced to one year's ;mprixoomect with hard labor on each offence, the terms to be cumulative.
*** Advertiser Monday 10 October 1904
On Saturday, October 8, Mr. Samuel Prior died at Brighton at the age of 83 years. Born at St. Austel, in Cornwall, Mr. Prior came to South Australia with his young wife in 1847. In the old country he had served an apprenticeship of seven years to farming, and on arrival here by the Duchess of Northumberland he at once sought to acquire some farming land. He settled at Brighton, and after a few months moved on to the Brighton-road, where he continued to live till his death, cultivating the same farm for 54 years, for portion of the time in conjunction with a farm near Penfield, in the lower north, which he had acquired. Among the curiosities which he kept till the end was an old spring-cart, which had been used to carry the mails on the Adelaide-Glenelg-road long before any train service was thought of.
He took practically no part in public affairs, though he served for a few years as a councillor at Brighton, but he devoted a long and strikingly unselfish and useful life mainly to secure the happiness and welfare of a large family. There were nine daughters and two sons, all born in the State. One of these two daughters died in childhood. The others are Mr. Thomas Prior, of New Parkside and Brighton, Mesdames Henry Jeffries (Sturton), W. Lasscock (Unley), Fred and Charles Dorman (Beulah, Victoria), Fred Miller (Glenelg), and A. R. Chinner (Brighton), Mr. S. H. Prior (Sydney and Broken Hill), and Miss Prior, the last named residing with her parents. There is a large number of grandchildren and many great-grandchildren scattered over four States. Mr. Prior, who had lived an unusually vigorous life, had an attack of pneumonia three or four years ago, which weakened him considerably, and he succumbed after a week's illness to a second attack, during which Dr. OLeary, of Glenelg, assiduously attended him. The remains were interred on Sundav in the North Brighton Cemetery, the service being conducted by the Rev. G. W. Clarke, of the Brighton Wesleyan Church, with which, the deceased had been connected for many years, and the attendance was very large. A sad circumstance in connection with the illness and death was that Mrs. Prior, a devoted helpmate of nearly 60 years, was seized with congestion of the lungs a fortnight ago, and was for some days in a critical condition, though an improvement has now been reported.
*** Register Monday 10 October 1904
Another of the pioneer farmers of South Australia died on Saturday, October 8, in the person of Mr. Samuel Prior, of Brighton. The deceased gentleman, who had reached to within a few days of his eighty-fourth year, had the distinction, as yet rare in Australia, of having worked the same farm for upwards of 50 years. Coming to the State 57 years ago, he took up land first at Brighton, and subsequently on the Gawler Plains, near Penfield, but resided con- tinuously at the former place throughout his long life as a colonist. He belonged to the school of thorough farmers, and, having served a regular apprenticeship to the business in England (he was born at St. Austell, in Cornwall), did many years ago much of what the new system of scientific agriculture is now popularizing. He has left a widow and nine children (Messrs. Thomas and S. H. Prior, Mesdames H. Jeffries, W. Lasscock, F. and C. Dorman, F. W. Miller, and A. R. Chinner, and Miss Prior) and a great, number of grandchildren and great-granchildren. In his long, active, and useful life in South Australia his sterling qualities had made him troops of friends, who will regret to learn that Mrs. Prior was herself in a critical condition from congestion of the lungs throughout her husband's illness— the cause of death in his case was pneumonia — but there is now a slight improvement in her state.
*** Register Friday 30 June 1916
PRIOR.— On the 29th June, at Voules terrace, Brighton, Jane, relict of Samuel Prior, in her 91st year. A colonist of 69 years. At rest.
*** Advertiser Saturday 1 July 1916
PRIOR.-The FRIENDS of the late Mrs. JANE PRIOR, relict of Samuel Prior, are respectfully informed that her Funeral will leave her late residence, Voules-terrace, Brighton, on SATURDAY, at 3 p.m., for the North Brighton Cemetery.
*** Observer Saturday 4 October 1919
CHINNER.—On the 25th September, at Adelaide, Grace Harriot, wife of Arthur Robert Chinner, of Brighton.