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Aaron RYLES:
*** Register Thursday 25 March 1869
Melancholy Case of Drowning at Normanville.- A melancholy accident happened at Normanville on March 23 to one of the most industrious and sober men in the district. Aaron Ryals had been engaged during the loading of the ship David Brown, and went out with the last load of bark, accompanied by the Yankalilla Brass Band and several ladies and children. After remaining on board about two hours and a half, and when returning with the same party, he accidentally fell over the stern of the boat he was steering. Geo. Rhodes, one of the Band, immediately jumped out to save him. The boat was in full sail, and it was a long time before the sail was furled and the oars brought into play. The boat got back to the scene just in time to save Rhodes from drowning, but poor Ryals had sunk to rise no more. He leaves a wife and a numerous family.
*** Chronicle Saturday 27 March 1869
A sad accident occurred at Yankalilla on the 23rd to a man named Byles, in the employ of Messrs. Bean Brothers. He had been engaged with a number of other hands in loading a coaster with bark, and the work being concluded the men, with their wives and families, were intending to spend the day pleasantly on board. Byles was steering a boat that was taking some of the pleasure-seekers to the vessel when, by some chance, he slipped and fell overboard. One of his companions jumped in after, but failed to rescue him, and he soon disappeared. The deceased had been long a resident in the District, and was much respected, and this melancholy event has cast a gloom over the neighborhood.
*** Register Monday 31 May 1869
The Committee appointed a few weeks ago to collect subscriptions for the widow and family of the late Aaron Ryles, who was drowned a short time ago, have, I understand, got together about £45.
Mary Ann PALMER:
South Australian Register Saturday 25th August 1849
Ship Eliza, 912 tons, Captain Thomas Pain, from London & Plymouth 11th May 1849, arrived at Port Adelaide, South Australia 23rd August 1849.
South Australian Register Saturday 25th August 1849
Thursday August 23rd, 1849:- the ship Eliza, 912 tons, Pain, Master, from London and Plymouth 11th May.
Passengers: * Captain Sturt, Mrs. Sturt and family ; Mr.& Mrs. Hamilton and family ; Miss Foster ; Miss Hamilton ; Mr. James Hamilton ; Mr. White ; Mr. Keele ; Mr. Moulton ; Mr. Protheroe ; Mr. Mason ; Mr. Hamilton in the cabin and 325 emigrants in the steerage. . . . — 16th ship from England to S.A. with government passengers for 1849 ; —?— births and —?— deaths on the passage ; John Carr MD, surgeon-superintendent.
Ephraim 37 Agr. Labourer 1413/3 Durham
Catherine (Thomson) 36
Aaron 17 Agr. Labourer with parents
Mary A. 16 Servant with parents
Margaret 14 Servant with parents
Joseph 11
Ephraim 8
John 4
Esther 2
In addition, Eliza Maria was born on the passage.
*** Register Thursday 25 March 1869
Melancholy Case of Drowning at Normanville.— A melancholy accident happened at Normanville on March 23 to one of the most industrious and sober men in the district. Aaron Ryals had been engaged during the loading of the ship David Brown, and went out with the last load of bark, accompanied by the Yankalilla Brass Band and several ladies and children. After remaining on board about two hours and a half, and when returning with the same party, he accidentally fell over the stern of the boat he was steering. Geo. Rhodes, one of the Band, immediately jumped out to save him. The boat was in full sail, and it was a long time before the sail was furled and the oars brought into play. The boat got back to the scene just in time to save Rhodes from drowning, but poor Ryals had sunk to rise no more. He leaves a wife and a numerous family.
*** Chronicle Saturday 27 March 1869
A sad accident occurred at Yankalilla on the 23rd to a man named Byles, in the employ of Messrs. Bean Brothers. He had been engaged with a number of other hands in loading a coaster with bark, and the, work being concluded the men, with their wives and families, were intending to spend the day pleasantly on board. Byles was steering a boat that was taking some of the pleasure-seekers to the vessel when, by some chance, he slipped and fell overboard. One of his companions jumped in after, but failed to rescue him, and he soon disappeared. The deceased had been long a resident in the District, and was much respected, and this melancholy event has cast a gloom over the neighborhood.
*** Register Friday 2 April 1869
The Man Drowned at Normanville.— The body of Mr. Aaron Ryles, the poor fellow who was drowned last week, after leaving the Darid Brown in a boat, has not yet been found.
*** Register Fri 9 April 1869
YANKILILLA. April 7. On Saturday evening a meeting was held in the Court-House, Normanville, to consider the case of Mrs. Ryles, the widow of Mr. Aaron Ryles, who was drowned when returning from the David Brown, and who is left with eight young chidren. Mr. J. Butterworth occupied the chair. It was resolved that the gentlemen present form them- selves into a Committee (with power to add to their number) for the purpose of collecting sub- scriptions, and to report to a future meeting.
*** Register Monday 31 May 1869
The Committee appointed a few weeks ago to collect subscriptions for the widow and family of the late Aaron Ryles, who was drowned a short time ago, have, I understand, got together about £45.
South Australian Register Saturday 25th August 1849
Ship Eliza, 912 tons, Captain Thomas Pain, from London & Plymouth 11th May 1849, arrived at Port Adelaide, South Australia 23rd August 1849.
South Australian Register Saturday 25th August 1849
Thursday August 23rd, 1849:- the ship Eliza, 912 tons, Pain, Master, from London and Plymouth 11th May.
Passengers: [...] Mary A. Palmer.
Advertiser Wednesday 21 August 1907:
RYLES -On the 20th August, at her late resi-dence, Brompton Park, Mary Ann, widow of the late Aaron Ryles of Normanville, aged 77 years. A loving mother gone to rest.
Advertiser Wednesday 21 August 1907:
THE FRIENDS of the late Mrs. MARY ANN RYLES are respectfully informed that her Re- mains will be removed from her Daughter's (Mrs. N. Petersen) residence, Coglin-street, Brompton Park, THURSDAY, 3.30 p.m., for interment in the Hindmarsh Cemetery.
Advertiser In Memoriam Thursday 20 August 1908:
RYLES.-In sad but loving memory of our dear mother and grandma, who died at Brompton on August 20, 1907, aged 77 years. Gone, but not forgotten.-Inserted by her loving daughter, Emily, and granddaughters, Winnie and Ivy.
RYLES.-In loving memory of my dear grand- mother, Mary Ann Ryles, who died August 20, 1907.-Inserted by her loving granddaughter, Ivy Herrin. Jesus has taken her home to His breast, Sleeping so peacefully, ever at rest.
RYLES.-In loving memory of our dear mother, Mary Ann Ryles, passed peacefully away August 20, 1907.
[…] -Inserted by her loving daughter and son-in-law, Margaret and Peter Petersen.
Name, Age: Mary Ann Ryles, 77
Date: 20 Aug 1907
Where: Brompton Park
Occupation: Wife of Aaron Ryles, Builder.
Cause of Death Asthma Heart Failure
Usual Address: Coglin St, Brompton Park
Informant Undertaker.
Age at Marriage
Total Issue:
Registered: 05 Sep 1907
Ref: 13/248
*** The Advertiser Monday 24 August 1914:
Probate has been granted in respect of the following wills: ... Mary Ann Griffin, of Southwark, £2,200.
*** Chronicle Saturday 29 May 1915
GRIFFIN.— In loving memory of our dear mother who was lost on the Empress of Ireland, May 28, 1914. Gone is the face we loved so dear, Silent the voice we loved to hear. Too far away from sight or speech, But not too far for our thoughts to reach. —Inserted by her loving son and daughter-in-law, Hurtle and Myrtle and Jackie.
*** The Advertiser, Tuesday 1 June 1915
THURSDAY, June 17, at 2:30 p.m. BAGOT, SHAKES, & LEWIS, LIMITED.
will offer by public auction, as above In the Deceased Estate of Mary Ann Griffin—
BROMPTON PARK, corner Coglin and Hawker- streets, opposite Excelsior Hotel - Allotments 77 and Parts 78 and 79; Land about 110 by 220 ft. deep, with double-fronted Brick Cottage thereon, of 6 rooms, in good order, cellar, trapshed. Let to Mr. Shoeschmit at 14/ per week. Ample space to build five more houses.
*** The Advertiser (Adelaide, SA : 1889 - 1931) Monday 5 July 1915 Legal Notices:
Pursuant to the Trustee Act 1898 NOTICE is hereby given that all CREDITORS and other per-sons having CLAIMS against the ESTATE of MARY ANN GRIFFIN late of Light-terrace South- wark, in the State of South Australia but formerly of Coglin street Brompton Park in the said State. Widow deceased who died at Father Point Quebec in the Dominion ot Canada on the twenty-ninth day of May 1914 and whose will was proved in the Supreme Court of South Australia on the seventeenth day of August 1914 by Horace Ernest Hawke of Terowie in the said State, Oiler, South Australian Railways and Elsie Emily Hawke of the same place, Married Woman, the executors named in the said will are hereby required on or before the fourteenth dav August 1915 to send thheir names, addresses, descriptions, and FULL PARTICULARS of their claims to us the under- signed Solicitors to the said executors after which date the said executors will proceed to distribute the estate of the said deceased having regard only to the claims of which they shall then have had notice.
Male Name, Age, Address: Aaron Ryles, of Age, Norwood
Father's Name:
Spouse Name, Age, Address: Selina Mary Ann Palmer, of Age, Grenfell St.
Spouse's Father Name:
Marriage Date: 28 Oct 1850
Marriage Place: Church of St John
Witness 1: Henry Brooks
Witness 2: Mary Ann Ryles [Aaron's sister]
Signatures: X for wife.
Ref: 65/331.
Name: Catherine Ryles
Date: 11 Dec 1852
Sex: F
Father Name & Address: Aaron Ryles, Norwood.
Father Occupation: Brickmaker.
Mother Name (inc. maiden): Mary Ann Ryles fm. Palmer.
Informant name, relation, address: Mother (sig).
Reg, date, place: 21 Jan 1853, Adelaide.
Ref: 4/107
Name: Esther Jane Ryles
Date: 24 Sep 1855
Sex: F
Father Name & Address: Aaron Ryles.
Father Occupation: Brickmaker.
Mother Name (inc. maiden): Mary Ann Ryles fm. Palmer.
Informant name, relation, address: Ann Brice (X), Wife of brickmaker Daniel Brice, Yankalilla.
Reg, date, place: 21 Jan 1853, Adelaide.
Ref: 4/107
Notes I assume that she was born in Yankalilla or Normanville, but registered in Adelaide, from address of informant.
Name: Mary Ann Ryles
Date: 10 May 1859
Sex: F
Father Name & Address: Aaron Ryles, Normanville, SA
Father Occupation: Brickmaker
Mother Name (inc. maiden): Mary Ann Ryles formerly Palmer
Informant name, relation, address: Aaron Ryles
Reg, date, place: 21 Jun 1859, Yankalilla, SA.
Ref: 1698 336?
Name: Margaret Ryles
Date: 30 Sep 1861
Sex: F
Father Name & Address: Aaron Ryles, Normanville.
Father Occupation: Labourer.
Mother Name (inc. maiden): Mary Ann Ryles fm. Palmer.
Informant name, relation, address: Father (sig).
Reg, date, place: 17 Nov 1862, Yankalilla.
Ref: 23/572
Notes Crossed out entry shows registry in 1861, so presumably this was registered a long time after.
Name: Maria Ryles
Date: 08 Nov 1863
Sex: F
Father Name & Address: Aaron Ryles, Normanville.
Father Occupation: Labourer.
Mother Name (inc. maiden): Mary Ann Ryles fm. Palmer.
Informant name, relation, address: Father (sig),
Reg, date, place: 04 Jan 1864, Yankalilla.
Ref: 30/239
Notes The actual birth year on the BC was 1866, but this doesn't gel with the recording date.
Name: Emily Harriet Ryles
Date: 25 Dec 1865
Sex: F
Father Name & Address: Aaron Ryles.
Father Occupation: Brickmaker.
Mother Name (inc. maiden): Mary Ann Ryles fm. Palmer.
Informant name, relation, address: Alfred Limbert [or Lambert?]
Reg, date, place: Apr 1866, Yankalilla.
Ref: 4/107
Notes The actual birth year on the BC was 1866, but this doesn't gel with the recording date.
Name: Aaron Ryles [1]
Date: 06 Aug 1868
Where: Normanville, SA
Sex: M
Father Name & Address: Aaron Ryles, Normanville, SA
Father Occupation: Farmer.
Mother Name (inc. maiden): Mary Ann Ryles formerly Palmer.
Informant name, relation, address: J. Cornish
Reg, date, place: Yankalilla, SA, 05 Jan 1869.
Ref: 1763 349/1
Comments on the contents of this page should be addressed to Andrew Gabb. Revised 24 July 2017.